Results for 'Christopher Mark Cullen'

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  1.  10
    Contextualizing Discrimination of Religious and Linguistic Minorities in South Thailand.Christopher Mark Joll - 2021 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 18 (1):1-25.
    This article explores how scholarship can be put to work by specialists penning evidence-based policies seeking peaceful resolutions to long-standing, complex, and so-far intractable conflict in the Malay-Muslim dominated provinces of South Thailand. I contend that more is required than mere empirical data, and that the existing analysis of this conflict often lacks theoretical ballast and overlooks the wider historical context in which Bangkok pursued policies impacting its ethnolinguistically, and ethnoreligiously diverse citizens. I demonstrate the utility of both interacting with (...)
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    Principle and prudence in Western political thought.Christopher Lynch & Jonathan Marks (eds.) - 2016 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Reflections on principle and prudence in the thoughts and actions of great thinkers and statesmen. Discussions of the place of moral principle in political practice are haunted by the abstract and misleading distinction between realism and its various principled or “idealist” alternatives. This volume argues that such discussions must be recast in terms of the relationship between principle and prudence: as Nathan Tarcov maintains, that relationship is “not dichotomous but complementary.” In a substantive introduction, the editors investigate Leo Strauss’s attack (...)
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  3. Bonaventure: Muslim Perspectives.Christopher M. Cullen - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    The great Franciscan theologian St. Bonaventure engaged in philosophy as well as theology, and the relation between the two in Bonaventure's work has long been debated. Yet, few studies have been devoted to Bonaventure's thought as a whole. In this survey, Christopher M. Cullen reveals Bonaventure as a great synthesizer, whose system of thought bridged the gap between theology and philosophy. The book is organized according to the categories of Bonaventure's own classic text, De reductione artium ad theologiam. (...)
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  4. Bonaventure on Nature before Grace: A Historical Moment Reconsidered.Cullen Christopher - 2011 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 85 (1):161-176.
  5.  11
    The Triune God.Christopher M. Cullen - 2006 - In Christopher M. Cullen, Bonaventure: Muslim Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Bonaventure frequently identifies theology with sacred scripture, using the term “scripture” as a synonym for theology to the extent that he refers to the whole of what God has revealed for the salvation of the human race. The best place to begin to understand Bonaventure's view of sacred scripture is with the conviction that he held with other medieval believers, that God has written three books: one within, one without, and one for sinners to return home. In Bonaventure's eyes, scripture (...)
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  6. On the Political Order.Christopher M. Cullen - 2017 - Nova et Vetera 15 (3).
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    The Last Things.Christopher M. Cullen - 2006 - In Christopher M. Cullen, Bonaventure: Muslim Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    The question of time and history, took on tremendous urgency in Bonaventure's day. Bonaventure found himself enmeshed in debates about time and history both in the university and in the Franciscan order. Bonaventure believed that creation necessarily involves having a beginning in time, i.e., having being at some point after not having being. Time is thus necessarily lineal, not cyclical. So as Bonaventure considers the question in the light of philosophy he concludes that creation has a beginning in time, and (...)
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    Introduction.Christopher M. Cullen - 2006 - In Christopher M. Cullen, Bonaventure: Muslim Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    This introductory chapter discusses the life and times of Bonaventure, his writings, and influence. Bonaventure came to Paris as a young man, probably in 1234 or 1235, a time when the city was undergoing extraordinary rebirth. Three historic movements had recently converged on the banks of the Seine when Bonaventure began his new life in Paris: the rediscovery of Aristotle, the turn to “universities” for education, and the emergence of the Franciscans. Bonaventure became the eighth minister of the Franciscan order (...)
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  9. The Doctrine of Anaolgy among the Thomists: A Debate Renewed.Christopher M. Cullen - 2014 - Nova et Vetera 12 (3).
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    The discovery of being & Thomas Aquinas: philosophical and theological perspectives.Christopher M. Cullen & Franklin T. Harkins (eds.) - 2019 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    Contributions to this volume examine three main areas relating to the metaphysics of Thomas Aquinas: the foundation of metaphysics within Thomism; the use of metaphysics in fundamental philosophical issues within Thomism; and the use of metaphysics in central theological issues.
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    Education and Expertise.Christopher Winch & Mark Addis (eds.) - 2018 - Wiley.
    The relevance of expertise to professional education and practice is explored in this collection of original contributions from educationalists, philosophers and psychologists. Discusses the increasingly prominent debates about the nature of know-how in mainstream analytical epistemology Illuminates what is involved in professional expertise and the implications of a sound understanding of professional expertise for professional education practice, curriculum design and assessment All contributions are philosophically grounded and reflect interdisciplinary advances in understanding expertise.
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  12. Structures, fictions, and the explanatory epistemology of mathematics in science: Christopher Pincock: Mathematics and scientific representation. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012, 330pp, $65.00 HB.Mark Balaguer, Elaine Landry, Sorin Bangu & Christopher Pincock - 2013 - Metascience 22 (2):247-273.
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    The Very Rich Hours of Jacques Maritain: A Spiritual Life. [REVIEW]Christopher M. Cullen - 2005 - International Philosophical Quarterly 45 (4):552-554.
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    Ideas of education: philosophy and politics from Plato to Dewey.Christopher Brooke, Elizabeth Frazer & Mark L. McPherran (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    Why has thinking about politics over the centuries been quite so intertwined with thinking about educational theory and practice? This book draws together a fascinating mix of educational pioneers and thinkers to answer this question and more.
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    Grace.Christopher M. Cullen - 2006 - In Christopher M. Cullen, Bonaventure: Muslim Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Bonaventure distinguishes three meanings for grace. First, in a general sense, it is the assistance freely and liberally granted by God to creatures performing any of their acts. Second, in a more proper sense, grace is a term usually reserved for the gift from God by which the human soul is perfected and transformed. Third, is the concept of created sense as the means of justification and of this justification involving a change in being.
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    Moral Philosophy.Christopher M. Cullen - 2006 - In Christopher M. Cullen, Bonaventure: Muslim Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    This chapter explores Bonaventure's account of moral philosophy. Bonaventure unambiguously presents moral philosophy as a distinct branch of study in On the Reduction of the Arts to Theology. He divides moral philosophy into three branches: personal, domestic, and political. According to Bonaventure, moral philosophy investigates the truth of morals and the right order of living, specifically, the right order in man's actions as an individual, as a member of a household, and as a member of the city. Human beings are (...)
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  17.  25
    Nature and Grace: A New Approach to Thomistic Ressourcement. By Andrew Dean Swafford.Christopher M. Cullen - 2015 - International Philosophical Quarterly 55 (2):251-254.
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    (1 other version)Natural Philosophy.Christopher M. Cullen - 2006 - In Christopher M. Cullen, Bonaventure: Muslim Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    During the 12th century, certain questions came into focus and inspired speculation about the heavens and the earth, namely, “mobile being”. In other words, nature was “discovered” in the 12th century. It is in the wake of this discovery that, in the 1250s, Bonaventure developed his view of the created world while commenting on the interpretation of the Genesis account of creation found in the church fathers, as these had been anthologized in Peter the Lombard's Sentences.
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    The Corruption of Sin.Christopher M. Cullen - 2006 - In Christopher M. Cullen, Bonaventure: Muslim Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Bonaventure rejects any sort of fundamental dualism between good and evil. He argues that, “a first and absolute evil does not and could not exist because the very notion of First Principle implies supreme plenitude”. Bonaventure follows Augustine in distinguishing between natural and moral evil, or, to use the terminology from Augustine's On Free Choice, the evil of penalty and the evil of guilt. The former is an evil we suffer, while the latter is a privation of righteousness that we (...)
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    The Incarnation of the Word.Christopher M. Cullen - 2006 - In Christopher M. Cullen, Bonaventure: Muslim Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Bonaventure holds that God does all things with power, wisdom, and goodness; such as in the case of the restoration. If Incarnation is examined as a work of God in the light of power, wisdom, and goodness, we can see why it is the most perfect of all God's works, for there cannot be any greater act of power than to combine within a single person two natures: the human and divine. While Bonaventure stresses the gratuity of the redemption — (...)
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    The Sacramental Cure.Christopher M. Cullen - 2006 - In Christopher M. Cullen, Bonaventure: Muslim Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Bonaventure uses “sacrament” to refer to all signs of faith in the Redeemer, even those that are not explicitly focused on Jesus of Nazareth. He refers to this as the “diversity” of the sacraments. “Sacraments” in this sense were instituted from the very beginning, but they have enjoyed diversity through three different ages and their concomitant laws: the law of nature, the law of scripture, and the law of grace.
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  22. The Threatening Stranger: Kewu in Pre-modern Chinese Paediatrics.".Christopher Cullen - forthcoming - Contagion: Perspectives From Pre-Modern Societies, Ed. Lawrence I. Conrad and Dominik Wujastyk.
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    Supervenience and Materialism.Christopher S. Hill & Mark Rowlands - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (1):115.
    Rowlands is concerned to explain and defend a doctrine about the relationship between mental states and physical states that he calls supervenience materialism. Very roughly speaking, this is the doctrine that it is the possession of physical properties by an object that makes for or determines the possession of mental properties by that object. In explaining this doctrine, Rowlands discusses various questions of interpretation, such as what should be meant by ‘determines’ and by ‘physical property’, and he also considers the (...)
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    The Impact of Global Budgets on Pharmaceutical Spending and Utilization.Christopher C. Afendulis, A. Mark Fendrick, Zirui Song, Bruce E. Landon, Dana Gelb Safran, Robert E. Mechanic & Michael E. Chernew - 2014 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 51:004695801455871.
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  25. Technology, social revolution and the information age.Mark Poster & M. A. Y. Christopher - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (1):311-325.
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    Dynamics of Diselection: Ambiguity in Genetics 12-36 and Ethnic Boundaries in Post-Exilic Judah.Mark S. Smith & R. Christopher Heard - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (4):900.
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    Alexander of Hales.Christopher M. Cullen - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone, A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 104–108.
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    The Unity of Linguistic Meaning.Mark Christopher Smith - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (1):148-151.
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    Quantitative analysis of ethical issues in phase I trials: a survey interview of 144 advanced cancer patients.Christopher K. Daugherty, Donald M. Banik, Linda Janish & Mark J. Ratain - 1999 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 22 (3):6-14.
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    Comparing personal insight gains due to consideration of a recent dream and consideration of a recent event using the Ullman and Schredl dream group methods.Christopher L. Edwards, Josie E. Malinowski, Shauna L. McGee, Paul D. Bennett, Perrine M. Ruby & Mark T. Blagrove - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  31. Understanding the Planets in Ancient China: Prediction and Divination in the Wu xing zhan.Christopher Cullen - 2011 - Early Science and Medicine 16 (3):218-251.
    The untitled and anonymous text known by modern scholars under the name Wu xing zhan 'Prognostics of the Five Stars [sc. 'planets']', datable to before 168 bce, is the earliest known surviving Chinese document to give a substantive account of the apparent motions of the five visible planets, and to discuss the significance of those motions. The text includes tabulated predictions of the motions of three planets from 246 bce to 177 bce. In each case it is possible to reconstruct (...)
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    The Irrelevance of Origins: Dementia, Advance Directives, and the Capacity for Preferences.Jason Adam Wasserman & Mark Christopher Navin - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (8):98-100.
    We agree with Emily Walsh (2020) that the current preferences of patients with dementia should sometimes supersede those patients’ advance directives. We also agree that consensus clinical ethics guidance does a poor job of explaining the moral value of such patients’ preferences. Furthermore, Walsh correctly notes that clinicians are often averse to treating patients with dementia over their objections, and that this aversion reflects clinical wisdom that can inform revisions to clinical ethics guidance. But Walsh’s account of the moral value (...)
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  33.  13
    Christian Wisdom.Christopher M. Cullen - 2006 - In Christopher M. Cullen, Bonaventure: Muslim Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    The notion of “wisdom” is central in the thought of Bonaventure. This chapter explores the different senses in which Bonaventure uses the term “wisdom”, which reveals his understanding of both theology and philosophy, the relationship between the two, and the foundational unity of all knowledge. According to Bonaventure, “wisdom” is a person who calls us and beckons us to a journey of the mind to God.
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    Early Chinese Work in Natural Science: A Re-Examination of the Physics of Motion, Acoustics, Astronomy, and Scientific Thoughts. Chen Cheng-Yih.Christopher Cullen - 1998 - Isis 89 (3):535-536.
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    Patients and Healers in Late Imperial China: Evidence from the Jinpingmei.Christopher Cullen - 1993 - History of Science 31 (2):99-150.
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    Translating ancient Chinese calendars.Christopher Cullen - 2010 - Revue de Synthèse 131 (4):605-612.
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    The Creation of the World.Christopher M. Cullen - 2006 - In Christopher M. Cullen, Bonaventure: Muslim Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    This chapter explores why Bonaventure explicitly includes creation as a distinct subject area in his division of theology and what theology adds to the understanding of creation. Bonaventure believes that theology reinforces our awareness of the nothingness of creation. Recalling this means that Bonaventure's doctrine of creation can be understood. In considering this doctrine, however, it is also important to keep in mind that Bonaventure believes creation ex nihilo can be known by reason alone.
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  38.  46
    Time, Science, and Society in China and the West. J. T. Fraser, N. Lawrence, F. C. Haber.Christopher Cullen - 1990 - Isis 81 (1):86-87.
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    (1 other version)The way and the word. Science and medicine in early China and Greece.Christopher Cullen - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 35 (2):357-362.
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    Three Kinds of Decision-Making Capacity for Refusing Medical Interventions.Mark Christopher Navin, Abram L. Brummett & Jason Adam Wasserman - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (11):73-83.
    According to a standard account of patient decision-making capacity, patients can provide ethically valid consent or refusal only if they are able to understand and appreciate their medical c...
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  41. Prioritizing Parental Liberty in Non-medical Vaccine Exemption Policies: A Response to Giubilini, Douglas and Savulescu.Mark Christopher Navin & Mark Aaron Largent - 2017 - Public Health Ethics 10 (3).
    In a recent paper published in this journal, Giubilini, Douglas and Savulescu argue that we have given insufficient weight to the moral importance of fairness in our account of the best policies for non-medical exemptions to childhood immunization requirements. They advocate for a type of policy they call Contribution, according to which parents must contribute to important public health goods before their children can receive NMEs to immunization requirements. In this response, we argue that Giubilini, Douglas and Savulescu give insufficient (...)
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  42.  33
    The Philosophical Vision of John Duns Scotus. [REVIEW]Christopher Cullen - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 59 (2):431-432.
    The book is divided into eight chapters, covering various branches of philosophy, beginning with epistemology and proceeding through metaphysics to psychology and ethics. The book’s first chapter prepares the reader for this philosophical overview by sketching the historical and intellectual context in which Duns Scotus lived and worked. In this chapter the authors walk their reader through the maze of the Scotistic corpus acting as skilled guides. Scotus, they explain, has three different commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard: his (...)
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  43.  48
    Capacity for Preferences and Pediatric Assent: Implications for Pediatric Practice.Mark Christopher Navin & Jason Adam Wasserman - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (1):43-51.
    Children’s preferences about medical treatment—like the preferences of other patients—hold moral weight in decision-making that is independent of considerations of autonomy or best interests. In light of this understanding of the moral value of patient preferences, the American Academy of Pediatrics could strengthen the ethical foundation for its formal guidance on pediatric assent.
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    Reasons to Amplify the Role of Parental Permission in Pediatric Treatment.Mark Christopher Navin & Jason Adam Wasserman - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (11):6-14.
    Two new documents from the Committee on Bioethics of the American Academy of Pediatrics expand the terrain for parental decision making, suggesting that pediatricians may override only those parental requests that cross a harm threshold. These new documents introduce a broader set of considerations in favor of parental authority in pediatric care than previous AAP documents have embraced. While we find this to be a positive move, we argue that the 2016 AAP positions actually understate the importance of informed and (...)
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    The Forgotten Scholar: Underrepresented Minority Postdoc Experiences in STEM Fields.Aman Yadav, Christopher D. Seals, Cristina M. Soto Sullivan, Michael Lachney, Quintana Clark, Kathy G. Dixon & Mark J. T. Smith - forthcoming - Educational Studies:1-26.
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  46. Rethinking Appropriateness of Actions in Environmental Decisions: Connecting Interest and Identity Negotiation with Plural Valuation.Christopher M. Raymond, Paul Hirsch, Bryan Norton, Andrew Scott & Mark S. Reed - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (6):739-764.
    Issues of interest, identity and values intertwine in environmental conflicts, creating challenges that cannot generally be overcome using rationalities grounded in generalised argumentation and abstraction. To address the growing need to engage interests and identities along with plural values in the conservation of biodiversity and ecological systems, we introduce the concept of ‘appropriateness of actions’ and ground it in a relational understanding of environmental ethics. A determination of appropriateness for actions comes from combining outputs from value elicitation with those of (...)
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    Bribery in International Business Transactions.Christopher Baughn, Nancy L. Bodie, Mark A. Buchanan & Michael B. Bixby - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (1):15-32.
    Globalization leads to cross-border business transactions between societies with very different norms and regulations regarding bribery. Bribery in international business transactions can be seen as a function of not only the demand for such bribes in different countries, but the supply, or willingness to provide bribes by multinational firms and their representatives. This study addresses the propensity of firms from 30 different countries to engage in international bribery. The study incorporates both domestic (economic development, culture, and domestic corruption in the (...)
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  48.  31
    Das pentathematische Schema der altpersischen Inschriften.Mark J. Dresden & Christoph Hauri - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (2):244.
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    (1 other version)Introduction.Mark Addis & Christopher Winch - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 51 (3):557-573.
    This volume brings together a number of related contributions on the topic of expertise and education. Expertise is a topic that is beginning to receive more attention in the Philosophy of Education and discussions are closely related to the epistemological debate concerning the nature of know-how which has also burgeoned in recent years within ‘mainstream’ epistemology. More specifically, this volume focuses on the relevance of expertise to professional education and practice, with the aim on shedding light on what is involved (...)
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  50. Physician perspectives and compliance with patient advance directives: the role external factors play on physician decision making. [REVIEW]Christopher M. Burkle, Paul S. Mueller, Keith M. Swetz, C. Christopher Hook & Mark T. Keegan - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):31-.
    Background Following passage of the Patient Self Determination Act in 1990, health care institutions that receive Medicare and Medicaid funding are required to inform patients of their right to make their health care preferences known through execution of a living will and/or to appoint a surrogate-decision maker. We evaluated the impact of external factors and perceived patient preferences on physicians’ decisions to honor or forgo previously established advance directives (ADs). In addition, physician views regarding legal risk, patients’ ability to comprehend (...)
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